«Aldaris Dizais Gambrinus» beerПиво «Aldaris Dizais Gambrinus»

  • 23 мая 2013

Agency: KOOR OU
Client: AS Aldaris Latvia

We created a design for heritage driven beer brand Dižais Gambrinus. As the name suggests the beer itself is brewed in the honour of the beer god Gambrinus. Illustration style was chosen to emphasise old traditions and heritage of beer making. The design is inspired by a statue standing in front of Aldaris brewery.

Пиво « Aldaris Dižais Gambrinus»
Компания: KOOR OU
AS Aldaris Latvia

Описание проекта:

We created a design for heritage driven beer brand Dižais Gambrinus. As the name suggests the beer itself is brewed in the honour of the beer god Gambrinus. Illustration style was chosen to emphasise old traditions and heritage of beer making. The design is inspired by a statue standing in front of Aldaris brewery.

Пиво « Aldaris Dižais Gambrinus»

Hannes Paesoo — Creative Director
Hannes Paesoo — Art Director
Jaanus Veerberk — Art Director

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