«Aldaris Porteris» beerПиво Aldaris «Porteris»

  • 23 мая 2013

Agency: KOOR OU
Client: AS Aldaris Latvia

Пиво Aldaris «Porteris»

The brief: Create a packaging for special edition Porter which would be brewed and kept in a cellar for a year before hitting the shelves.

Our thinking and doing: We came up with a heritage driven label and matching 4-pack for the product. In addition we used a stamp to emphasize the USP.

Пиво Aldaris «Porteris»Компания: KOOR OU
Клиент: AS Aldaris Latvia

Пиво Aldaris «Porteris»

Описание проекта:
The brief: Create a packaging for special edition Porter which would be brewed and kept in a cellar for a year before hitting the shelves.

Our thinking and doing: We came up with a heritage driven label and matching 4-pack for the product. In addition we used a stamp to emphasize the USP.

Пиво Aldaris «Porteris»

Разработчик: Hannes Paesoo — Art Director / Creative Director

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