Industrial Design of the Year

  • 23 апреля 2013

Industrial Design of the Year category assesses design solutions both in terms of technological excellence (Form and Technology category) and in terms of brand promotion effectiveness (Form and Brand category).

In Industrial Design of the Year category, entries are welcome in the following subcategories:

Form and Brand category
Objects of industrial design for a particular brand (customer) containing elements of brand identity. The category is open to packaging published or produced between January 1, 2012 and March 1, 2013, as well as concepts developed within this period that did not go into mass production.

Evaluation criteria for Form and Brand category: design, ease of production, degree of technology innovation, cost, convenience for handling and logistics.
Form and Technology category
Packaging prototypes and solutions for consumers or for in-house production and distribution. The category is open to projects developed or implemented between January 1, 2012 and March 1, 2013, as well as concepts developed within this period that did not go into mass production.

Evaluation criteria for Form and Technology category: production quality, aesthetics, ergonomics, convenience for handling and logistics, degree of innovation, environmental sustainability.

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